Having had your diamond graded at a top gemological lab like GIA (Gemological Institute of America) not only brings you peace of mind about your diamond quality components, but it is written proof of its quality should you ever want to sell the stone—or at least to insure it.
Years ago, people bought and sold diamonds ‘without paper’ as they were called then. That usually ended up ok, but not always. The consumer had no proof that what they bought was what they thought.
GIA Diamond Certificate Overview
To recap, these are the main results you’ll have in writing after you receive your diamond grading certificate (also called diamond report, or simply lab report).
- This verifies ownership for repair or insurance coverage
- Is essential when/if you are reselling your diamond
- Establishes the major points of quality with your diamond
Many in our industry consider the lab report to be the diamond’s blueprint. Since all diamonds are unique, there are no two exactly alike, even though they may first appear so prior to examination.
The 4Cs of GIA Diamond Grading
Beginning with its Cut, Clarity, Color, and Carat weight all called the 4Cs of diamonds, a report also itemizes other specific measurements like its shape, and includes a plot which is a map of the individual diamond. The plot marks out the locations of each inclusion which show any flaws insider the stone. It records the exterior blemishes too, plotting those locations on the stone.
The physical inspection of your diamond searches for and notates any diamond girdle inscriptions, or laser inscriptions on this grading report as they also identify traits unique to that stone alone.
Becoming Familiar with Diamond Certificates
Even though the diamond certificate may look confusing the first time you see it, if you take each area individually, especially after you’ve become familiar with the 4Cs, you’ll soon become comfortable with the information found on this document.
If the diamond you are considering buying already has a grading report, you can have extra assurance that your retailer is top notch and understands the value of providing this important document.
The Importance of Diamond Certificates Such as GIA Certification
Today as most diamonds have a gemological report with them at the time of sale, it is become increasingly expected to have one. If you have a diamond that did not come with its grading report you will want to send the stone to GIA Grading Labs for your individual certificate.
It is well worth buying diamond jewelry that has an accompanying laboratory report, particularly from GIA. Still, if your diamond jewelry does not have its report, it is definitely worth your while getting the certificate yourself to establish its quality from a verifiable source.
What GIA Diamond Reports Do and Don’t Do
The laboratory assesses the most important characteristics of your diamond. It covers the 4Cs, which are Color, Cut, Clarity and Carat Weight. It assigns a grade for each one of those key traits.
It does not assign a dollar value to your diamond jewelry. There’s an important reason why this is so. The graded characteristics of your stone will always remain. These traits will be the same as long as the stone exists and has not suffered destructive damage.
What does change however, in reference to your stone is the price—or its current retail or wholesale value. The values of diamonds change over time—some diamonds will go up in value over time, while others (for various reasons) might decline.
A separate document can be created to establish value—the dollar amount, by a professional appraiser who is also a graduate gemologist. That person will utilize the grading report to verify their findings and establish current values for your diamond.
Development of Gem Labs
When independent professional gem labs were established that changed everything. The lab personnel receives an anonymous numbered diamond after it had been issued a unique identification number upon arrival at the facility. It is then subjected to a strict litany of inspections. The results are recorded, and the stone is assigned an individual diamond certificate—or a diamond report before being returned to the sender. These records are maintained at the facility should the owner need to get a copy of the original documentation later on.
Several labs have been established in the United States and abroad over the years. And while many of them are reputable, the most prominent one, GIA Lab is relied on throughout the world for its accuracy and excellent protocol. The expertly trained scientists at GIA Labs possess decades of experience to assure the consumer of receiving an accurate and top notch report.
Ask Questions
Even so, you can always look carefully at the certificate and ask questions to your diamond professional. They were expertly trained in this field and can provide you with the answers you need prior to your purchase. Your diamond is something you intend to enjoy for a lifetime, and the right purchase will give you decades of pleasure.
You’ll discover that you can cherish your diamond more each year because you fully understand all the quality components of your stone and you know why it is precious. The grading certificate offers complete transparency with respect to its quality. That one aspect alone is enough to give you peace of mind.
Good to Know
Diamond certifications gives buyers a comprehensive understanding about their stone’s quality so they can make an informed decision if the diamond they’re considering is right for them.
The data on these certifications are universally understood anywhere in the world, because they express quality traits in a uniform language that professionals everywhere can understand.
Are all Diamond Certification Labs the Same?
While there are many similarities among diamond grading laboratories, since they are independent from one another, their equipment and methodology varies. For instance, some labs are equipped with the latest technology to provide the most accurate and advanced results.
A lab may conduct exams to determine if a stone fluoresces under UV lighting. Another lab may be able to conduct spectroscopy examinations. The list goes on. Still, they should be able to accurately plot the diamond, conduct the 4Cs exam, show inclusions and blemishes and determine the stone’s state. Is it natural, or a lab grown diamond? Were there treatments done to this stone? All these questions and more are important. And they will have an answer after being examined in a high quality laboratory.
Your Diamond needs a Certificate
The diamond grading protocols, systems and nomenclature are sure to vary from lab to lab. And that doesn’t diminish the quality of its certificates. There are numerous labs around which serve the trade and the consumer. But the most trusted diamond grading labs are those headed by GIA.
So when it is time to buy that all important diamond, whether it is an engagement ring, or any other special piece, make sure your diamond has it is certificate.