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Audrey Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Marlena Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Angoona Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Giselle Moissanite & Diamonds Ring
Giselle Diamond Engagement Ring
Giselle Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Wilma Moissanite & Diamonds Ring
Wilma Diamond Engagement Ring
Wilma Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Bell Moissanite & Diamonds Ring
Bell Diamond Engagement Ring
Bell Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Jenna Moissanite & Diamonds Ring
Jenna Diamond Engagement Ring
Jenna Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Diana Moissanite Ring
Diana Diamond Engagement Ring
Diana Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Anele Diamond Engagement Ring
Audrey Diamond Engagement Ring
Skylar Diamond Engagement Ring
Luisana Diamond Engagement Ring
Shay Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Skylar Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Audrey Lab Grown Diamond Ring
Willow Diamond Engagement Ring
Skylar Diamond Engagement Ring
Narcisa Diamond Engagement Ring
Dima Diamond Engagement Ring
Luisana Diamond Engagement Ring
Willow Diamond Engagement Ring
Rianna Diamond Engagement Ring
Angoona Diamond Engagement Ring
Dalila Diamond Engagement Ring
Orana Diamond Engagement Ring
Heart Cut Diamond Engagement Rings
The timeless shape expresses a universal symbol of love. It’s especially treasured by serious diamond collectors who know just how difficult this shape is to cut. It starts with a pudgy pear shape diamond, and then an artfully cut center cleft is made in the rounded center-end. Since its so challenging to cut, the stone is considered to be the ultimate symbol of true love and commitment.
When it comes to bridal jewelry, either as an open-heart diamond pendant or drop earrings, or for the engagement ring itself, you can’t get a more romantic diamond shape. Its pleasing shape attracts admirers and makes the wearer even more gratified that the heart belongs to them. The sentiment behind each heart shape diamond is clear. Soon you’ll be humming “All we need is love.” The heart shape is a universal symbol that every culture understands and responds to. Sentiment aside, you’ll be proud to know how very difficult it was to cut your heart shaped diamond, and cherish it even more.
Could there be a more perfect diamond shape for bridal jewelry than the heart shape? While these stones are more difficult to cut, they are totally worth it, say the lucky ladies wearing them. The heart of course is the most romantic diamond or gemstone shape, symbolizing love, and affection. Besides being ideal for bridal jewels, this charming shape has found its way into popularity for Valentine’s Day jewelry---often cut from red gemstones.
Romance is in the air, and on your finger with a heart shape stone. If you opt for this all-time great romantic stone, aim for a bit higher color than you may have chosen otherwise. The tip can display a bit more body color from the diamond (than a round diamond for instance), and you may find yourself being aware of that. But, if you don’t see any change in tint whatsoever, grab the heart shape stone and cherish it for the rest of your life.
The heart shape stone tells the story of your love without you ever uttering a word. Your wedding is all about love, and for the ultimate expression of your fond affection, have a heart!