There’s been quite a lot of discussion over the last few years about where diamonds come from and what is involved with their sourcing. For centuries, diamonds have been coveted for their rarity, beauty and also what they represent to their owners. While the phrase “diamonds are forever’ has permeated popular culture for decades, they really do represent commitment, permanence, and a deep love and devotion.
Obviously, most consumers want to be assured that their diamond purchase is conducted under ethical circumstances. But because this topic is so big, most of us aren’t sure about the myriad details that affect the diamonds we love. Let’s sort it out for you before you go shopping.
What Does Conflict Diamonds Mean?
Before we can even process the concept of conflict-free diamonds, we need a clear-cut grasp of what conflict diamonds are. Several years ago, a popular Hollywood movie was called ‘Blood Diamond’. It stirred up considerable shock and concern about where diamonds came from and how they are sourced.
Until that time, consumers didn’t concern themselves with diamond sourcing. That’s because they had no idea there were terrible actions behind their recovery.
So that was a very good thing—to uncover and make transparent the workings of the diamond trade.
Most of all, the film uncovered that funding of conflicts in war zones had been using the proceeds earned from the sale of diamonds. In those regions.
Many diamonds are still mined in war torn areas of the world. But not all of the diamond producing regions are at unrest, of course.
At one time, the sale of these precious stones from war ravaged regions could be channeled to fund armed conflict against governments. Until this situation came to light on the international stage, conflict diamonds as they were referred to had fueled civil wars, especially in African countries like Angola or the Democratic Republic of Congo. Widespread suffering and violence was rampant in those areas that incurred great loss.
There’s another aspect of so-called conflict diamond trading too. Its impact extended far beyond violence which was unleashed with the trade of such diamonds. The unregulated diamond trade was also funding the numerous human rights abuse, like forced labor for example, or hazardous working conditions. That could have been going around the globe until responsible individuals stepped in.
What’s Done to Battle Conflict Diamonds?
When the outside world understood what was occurring in the diamond trade at the source they made everyone aware of these travesties. Then a remedy could begin to be implemented and heal those who were suffering. A massive response to the destruction of conflict diamonds included the global diamond trade becoming involved in establishing something called the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS).
This plan was initially introduced in 2003. As an international initiative with many people overseeing the plan, it sought to impose strict safeguards and regulations into the diamond trade. This prevented conflict diamonds (those sourced from areas of unregulated warfare) from entering the market. Soon no-one would be willing to buy or sell such diamonds.
Diamond trading countries seeking to join with the Kimberley Process must meet rigid standards that can effectively prove their diamonds are conflict-free. Some of the requirements include tracking diamonds from their original source (mine) all the way through to the point of sale. The process further ensures that the profits from those diamonds sold were not funneled toward any kind of illegal activity.
The Kimberley Process is open to any country that meets these standard requirements. Presently, 86 countries are fully participating, including the EU of 27 member states being counted as one entity.
Is Kimberley Process Ideal?
The Kimberley Process has implemented enormous changes since 2003 at its inception. With drastic reductions in the volume of conflict diamonds in the market, KP has helped economies to flourish in numerous diamond locales worldwide via its transparent diamond activities. But as is the case with huge ventures such as this one, it is not 100% ideal all the time.
Some vocal opponents state that KP’s definition of conflict diamonds is much too narrow. In this way, they claim, it focuses solely on diamonds funding rebel action against governments. So, it is sometimes argued that stones associated with other unethical activities may fall through this loophole and still be certified as conflict-free.
Be Sure Your Diamond is Conflict-Free
We can all agree that buying conflict free diamonds is our goal. We want our purchases –especially large investments like an engagement ring to be sourced ethically. Our values matter.
By asking about conflict free diamonds, it is a great way of demanding transparency and accountability in the diamond trade. Only buying conflict-free diamonds allows consumers to be a driving force for change. It further encourages the diamond industry to make ethical sourcing and fair labor practices their number one priority.
In simple language, here are some basic steps every shopper can take to make sure their diamond purchase is the wisest one. First of all, choose trusted brands--those who have already declared their association with conflict-free diamond trading. You can also ask for their certification if you’re not sure.
Start a Conversation
Ethical jewelers are pleased to speak about their conflict-free diamonds. They want this practice to continue. So, it’s always a good idea to have a conversation with your jeweler before purchasing. They should be proud to discuss their partnership with KP or other responsible sourcing groups. By taking these steps, you will be able to cherish your diamond engagement ring and other diamond jewelry all the more.
Show your Love and Your Values
Your diamond is not only an investment of your money but it’s also an investment of your heart. Your purchase of conflict free diamonds helps support those at the source of the diamond industry. Isn’t that a good reason too?